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Islam 101: Essentials for the Modern Muslim
Zoom Link & Unit 1 Note Pack
What is Theology? (107:46)
Islamic Epistemology (123:48)
How Do We Know God Exists?
The Cosmological Argument (124:14)
The Contingency Argument (118:10)
The Fitrah Argument (98:04)
The Intelligent Design Argument
From God to Islam (119:21)
How Do We Know Islam is True?
The Preservation of the Qur'an (121:19)
The Theology of the Qur'an & It's Irreplicability (60:59)
The Messenger of the Qur'an صلى الله عليه وسلم (236:46)
Spiritual Intuition (123:42)
The Islamic Worldview
Unit 2 Note Pack
Liberalism (124:15)
Modernism & Evolution (121:11)
Post-Modernism (138:32)
Feminism (102:51)
LGBTQ+ & Islamic Ontology (106:50)
Islam in Action
Sources of Fiqh & Madhhabs (113:40)
From Hukm to Fatwa & Introduction to Purification (115:52)
Fiqh Rulings & Wudu (110:20)
Wiping on Socks, Ghusl & Fitrah (57:38)
Menstruations & the Prerequisites of Prayer (123:48)
Awrah & Prayer Times (119:14)
Impermissible Times for Prayer & the Description/Steps of Prayer (111:27)
Sujud al-Sahw, Prayer-breakers & Congregation (113:23)
Ramadan & Fasting (129:13)
Islamic Spirituality
Sufism & Salafism
The Path to Allah
Taqwa & Tawbah
Training & Developing the Soul
Sabr & Shukr
Detaching from the Dunya
Righteous Companionship
Seeking Islamic Knowledge
Spiritual Dimensions of Prayer
Sunnah & Bid'ah
Sources of Fiqh & Madhhabs
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