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UTM Foundation Program
From Doubt to Certainty
What is Theology? (64:54)
Islamic Epistemology (101:59)
How Do We Know God Exists?
The Cosmological Argument (106:38)
The Contingency Argument (90:32)
The Fitrah Argument (69:22)
The Teleological Argument (42:40)
From God to Islam (42:08)
How Do We Know Islam is True?
The Preservation of the Qur'an (93:49)
The Theology of the Qur'an (87:35)
The Irreplicability of the Qur'an (62:37)
The Messenger of the Qur'an صلى الله عليه وسلم (111:15)
Spiritual Intuition (97:22)
Everyday Fiqh
Introduction to Fiqh (229:44)
Purification (244:21)
Prayer (& Female Taharah) (109:02)
Prerequisites for Prayer & Fiqh of Clothing (113:21)
Steps of Prayer (108:44)
Prayer in Congregation, Friday & Traveling (103:53)
Fiqh of Fasting (105:31)
Fiqh of Zakat - basics (105:08)
Ontological Reorientation
Introduction (92:25)
Modernism & Evolution (108:19)
Post-Modernism (109:15)
Feminism & Gender (72:51)
Transgender & Islamic Ontology (110:07)
Everyday Fiqh Part 2
Riba (79:48)
Applying Riba (108:33)
Gender Mixing & Lowering the Gaze (100:26)
Marriage (110:15)
Spending on Family & Divorce (108:28)
Crimes & Punishments (98:06)
Warfare (114:33)
Khilafah & Revivalist Movements (96:12)
Islamic Spirituality
The Path to Allah (100:28)
Dhahir, Batin & Tariqah (105:29)
Taqwa & Tawbah (125:36)
Muhasabah & Muraqabah (114:36)
Mujahadah & Mukhalafat al-Nafs (111:50)
Sabr, Shukr & Qana'ah (115:39)
Tawakkul & Zuhd (168:19)
Ikhlas & Riya' (113:34)
Khalwah, Suhbah & Encouraging Good/Forbidding Evil (134:36)
Ilm & Prayer (112:11)
Dhahir, Batin & Tariqah
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