Understand The Foundations of The Shafi'i Madhhab

You will learn (at an introductory level):

1) An Introduction to the Shafi'i Madhhab (free preview available) - Explore the history & texts of the Shafi'i madhhab and why madhhabs are important to study.

2) Shafi'i Fiqh - The Fiqh of Ibadat (worship) and Mu'amalat (interpersonal interactions) according to classical Shafi'i jurisprudence. Understand how classical fiqh is used to understand contemporary issues.

Required Text: Matn-ul-Ghayati wal-Taqrib

3) Shafi'i Usul-ul-Fiqh - How scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab extract rulings from the Qur'an & Sunnah.

Required Text: Al-Waraqat fi Usul-ul-Fiqh

4) Qawa'id-ul-Fiqh - The five major principles in fiqh that scholars use to deduce rulings, and useful sub-rules within them that are applicable to daily life

Live Classes + Recordings & Notes

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or use recordings (with subtitles) to learn at your own pace.

Current live course schedule: Thursdays 6-8pm EST

This course is closed for enrollment.

Instructor: Samir Hussain

Samir Hussain studied Evolutionary Biology & Cosmology at McMaster University in Canada and realized that the real answers could only be found with God and in the Islamic tradition.

In 2007 he began studying Islam in English with various preachers & scholars in Canada. In 2010 he moved to Riyadh & studied the classical Islamic sciences with scholars in private, one-on-one classes. In 2016 he moved to Cairo to study Hadith. Throughout most of his studies, he worked as a professional educator at the university level.

He has ijazahs to teach most of the texts he has studied with his teachers, ranging from beginner to advanced texts across different subjects in the traditional Islamic sciences.

Samir Hussain's main research interests are in Islamic theology, Usul-ul-Fiqh & philosophy, and he is also passionate about the Arabic language. Since 2017 he has been teaching Islamic Studies full-time at the high school level. In 2020 he started teaching traditional texts in the Islamic Sciences online at Fahm Education.

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